For years you have longed to walk into your backyard and relax in your very own swimming pool. Maybe you’ve saved up your money and obtained the appropriate permits to finally have one installed. If so, congratulations! You’re certain to enjoy a dip in the warm weather whenever you wish. You may not realize, though, that you now have a choice in the type of pool water you want to use. Salt water swimming pools are becoming more common among homeowners, and you may wish to know the benefits of owning one.

When you discuss with a pool supply expert the possibilities of having a salt water pool installed at your home or other property, you will hear the pros and cons regarding maintenance and other issues. Regarding the benefits to owning a pool with salt water instead of chlorine, consider these points:

1) Some will argue that salt, as opposed to chlorine, is more natural and therefore better. The water is softer on your skin, and you’re less likely to experience problems with your hair, if you swim without a cap.

2) Salt systems for the pool are designed to clean themselves, so there may be less work for you to do as far as maintenance.

3) Having a salt water pool eliminates the need for certain equipment that would accompany a chlorine system.

4) Because salt produces chlorine (salt, after all is actually sodium chloride) you don’t have to concern yourself with adding more chlorine in the pool to keep the water clean.

For many, the question of salt over chlorine ultimately comes down to price. Proponents of salt pools will argue that while the initial payout for installation could hurt your wallet, in the long run you stand to save money that might otherwise be spent on more chlorine.

As there are pros, there are also challenges to bear in mind if you consider a salt system. Some complaints by salt water pool owners have included:

1) Insect attraction. Some pool owners have noted an increase in bees and other winged pests circling their pools. You may need to consider a bug zapper if you see this happen.

2) When water splashes over the edge your pool the salt goes with it. Therefore, you’ll want to be diligent in keeping the area surrounding your pool clean.

3) Less actual maintenance involved may lead you to become lax in checking equipment in the event something does need fixing. Always keep an eye on your pool system, no matter what you use.

Once you decide whether to go with salt or a chlorine system, consult a local pool expert to get you started, so you can spend your days in the water rather than worrying about it.